WE OWN THE INTERNET/ | Who owns the internet? InnerINetCompany/

Ok, well we do own the domainname!


Register your Web3 domain name here ➡ ➡ 🕸3/

Now, lets make a Handshake stay home, go to NameBase choose to OWN Decentralized DNS domains that use Handshake naming protocol which maintains the root zone file in a decentralized manner, making the root zone uncensorable, permissionless and free of gatekeepers.

At Inner I Net Company, we cultivate Divine Gifts to elevate the economics. Our Handshake Top Level Domains are nourished and manifested from the ROOT OF PERCEPTION, to spiritualize potentials for an abundance of fruits. Own The Web 3 we Consciously CHOOSE to Bend and SHAPE Reality while customizing The Root Zone File of the Internet with our HNS-DOMAINS.

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